Thursday, April 3, 2008

Baseball Game

Baseball Game

If you want me to take a nap, all you have to do is put a baseball game on my television. I know that many of my friends would throw things at me for saying something like that, but it never fails. If there is golf or baseball on my television and my daughter is not home, I am going to fall asleep. Baseball is ok, but it is not one of my passions. Quite frankly, it moves too slowly and there is too much downtime. I prefer football or hockey, though I have to admit I have seen some football games move just as slowly.

I enjoy a baseball game more if I am there to watch it in person. I have been to a few when I visited friends in Pittsburgh, though the team didn’t do that well. The whole experience of going to a baseball game was great though, and I had a very good time watching the game and catching up with my friends. I was amazed at what they had to offer at the stadium. If I remember correctly, there was an Outback Steakhouse there if you wanted to have dinner. Amazing! It almost seemed as if you could spend an entire weekend there and not have to leave for anything. They had it all, except perhaps, for the beds.

I also like a good baseball game if I am playing. When I was a kid it was one of the games that we played all of the time. There were many kinds in my neighborhood and we played a game with each other whenever we could. It wasn’t until I was older that I realized that sitting on someone was not an acceptable way to stop them from getting to a base. I guess you could say our baseball game was not what you would see on television, though perhaps it was far more interesting.

Whatever the case, we had fun when we played, and I am still up for a good baseball game if we are at a family gathering and someone wants to play. I still don’t watch it on television, and that is something that might never change. However, if I ever feel the need for a really good nap I will be happy to turn on a baseball game so I can peacefully drift off into a deep sleep for a few hours. Please, just don’t come over and sit on me, ok?